ISiT → Thematic sections
Information Systems and Technologies
Thematic sections
- Mathematical and software of computers and automated systems
- Mathematical and computer modeling
- Information technologies in socio-economic and organizational-technical systems
- Automation and management of technological processes and production
- Telecommunication systems and computer networks
- Information security
Responsible for the sections:
Section «Mathematical and software of computers and automated systems»
- Responsible for the section: editor-in-chief Konstantinov Igor Sergeevich.
Section «Mathematical and computer modeling»
- Responsible for the section: editor-in-chief Konstantinov Igor Sergeevich.
Section «Information technologies in socio-economic and organizational-technical systems»
- Responsible for the section: deputy editor-in-chief Koskin Aleksander Vasilievich.
Section «Automation and management of technological processes and production»
- Responsible for the section: editor-in-chief Konstantinov Igor Sergeevich.
Section «Telecommunication systems and computer networks»
- Responsible for the section: deputy editor-in-chief Koskin Aleksander Vasilievich.
Section «Information security»
- Responsible for the section: deputy editor-in-chief Koskin Aleksander Vasilievich.